Sunday, May 25, 2014

Stewardship ... Memorial Day

L ast weekend, we participated in our ninth Stewardship Sunday by making individual commitments of time and service. I would like to reflect on what stewardship is. The following is taken from guidelines on stewardship. I hope that we all continue to consider our own personal need to be stewards in our parish.

A complete definition of "stewardship" would be: the full expression of our Christian discipleship. Indeed it is how we live our lives when we understand that we are in a relationship with a God who loves unconditionally, eternally and completely. This same God has found us worthy to entrust us with his creation, that we may manage all of it on his behalf. And so, with the understanding that God has entrusted us to manage his creation we approach our lives as Jesus’ disciples and we firmly accept the role of "stewards of creation."

In November of 1992, the Bishops of the United States approved a Pastoral Letter on Stewardship entitled "Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response." This document outlined for all practicing Catholics in the United States a vision of how we should live our lives as Stewards of God’s Creation.

Stewardship is based on scriptural references and is inherent in our faith as Catholics.

There are four concepts to Stewardship and we will, during the course of the next few weeks spend some time on each one:
  • The steward recognizes that God is the Source of All
  • The steward lives his or her life with an attitude of gratitude and awe.
  • The steward recognizes that God has entrusted with gifts that are meant to be shared. 
  • The steward makes a conscious return to the Lord with increases.
Understanding that God is the Source takes our focus off of "us" and places our focus on the true source of our lives. If we are made in the image and likeness of God as is stated in the book of Genesis than God is truly present in all of us. That is the fullness of God is present in all of us even if we cant see it or experience it.

Let us ponder this. We are united with God through His Son Jesus our Lord.

Memorial Day....

In a very real sense the men and women, who gave their lives for our country in wars, were true stewards of the USA. They knew the value of God given freedom which America fostered. They did everything to protect us.

May we always remember their sacrifices. Let us always remember them. Without thinking about them and praying for them, we can easily take for granted the land for which they fought. May they be with our Lord in eternal glory!

 Father Stanley

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