O n this Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity we reflect on Who God is. He is
one God in three Divine Persons. Human reasoning has not taught us this. God
Himself revealed this truth to us in the Holy Scriptures. Personhood denotes who
an individual is; it also indicates a relationship with someone else. While
there is one divinity, there is a community of three Persons Who are equal to
each other in power, knowledge, majesty, etc. They are in perfect union with
each other.
A few weeks ago in his catechesis on the Faith, Pope Francis said:
"The Creed tells us that the Spirit is "Lord", fully God, the third person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the gift of the Risen Christ, who draws us, through faith, into communion with the Triune God."
By Baptism, original sin is taken away, and we become members of Christ’s
Body. We therefore are united with Him, and through Him are united with the
Father and the Holy Spirit. Once we are baptized "in the name of the Father, and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," the Holy Trinity dwells within us. We are
called to complete uninterrupted union with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in
By the way, this is why God created us male and female: so that, the union a
two spouses would reflect and imitate the love and union of the three divine
Persons. This marital love is always fruitful and open to life as is Trinitarian
loved. Where does the priest, who takes a vow of celibacy, fit in? He is meant
to be a sign of the ultimate union with God by his life and his work. In the
person of Christ, he mediates this union by administering the holy
It’s good to think about how much God loves us by creating each of us to be
in union with Him -- a union sealed by His Love.
May we always remember the sacrifices our military men and women made for our country -- for us. Let us always remember them. Without thinking about them and praying for them, we can easily take for granted the land for which they fought. May they be with our Lord in eternal glory!
Father Stanley
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