Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Greatest Gift of All, Our Lord in the Holy Eucharist...

Years ago, Corpus Christi or The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ was commemorated on the Thursday after Pentecost Sunday. In order to encourage more of the faithful to reflect on this great gift, the Church moved it to the following Sunday. Many Churches throughout the world have Eucharistic adoration and processions. This is the second year that St. Michael's and Sacred Heart parishes will together as one in faith and love adore and thank Our Lord for the Gift of His Body and Blood.

Adoration and procession is scheduled after the noon Mass in Sacred Heart Church. Then, all of us will proceed outside for song and prayers at two stations at Sacred Heart. From there we will process with the Blessed Sacrament down Ridge Rd. to two stations outside St. Michael's. The concluding prayers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will take place inside our Church.

As we get used to something or someone, we all have a tendency to take it for granted. This can happen with someone we love or with a gift. It happens with us and Jesus who is Someone we love and also the greatest Gift. So, we take more time today to meditate on this great mystery of our faith. Once the words of consecration are said by the priest with the proper intention over the bread and wine, they are no longer bread and wine although they retain the appearances of such. Because our Lord cannot be divided, each of the species contains the whole Christ. So, the sacred Host is the Body and the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of Jesus Christ, whole and entire. The precious Blood is the same, that is, the Body and the Blood, the Soul and the Divinity of Jesus Christ, whole and entire.

Because this is such a profound and tremendous Gift, it is always worthwhile to spend sometime in meditation before Mass, thinking about what is going to happen on the altar and Whom we are going to receive. Then, after Holy Communion, it is recommended that we use the time to thank God for the Gift of Himself. Also, we examine ourselves to see how prepared we are to receive Him. This is where Sacramental Confession comes in. Our preparation and the manner in which we receive manifest our appreciation and love of the One about to be received.

Memorial Day...

May we always remember the sacrifices our military men and women made for our country—for us. Let us always remember them. Without thinking about them and praying for them, we can easily take for granted the land for which they fought. May they be with our Lord in eternal glory!

Fr. Stanley