Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007


The senseless massacre at V. Tech two weeks ago can elicit nothing but sorrow and revulsion. How is it that a person can be so hateful toward others. What about the wisdom of Our Lord’s teaching: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”? No matter how angry one gets, can he not imagine how awful it would be if he vents his rage without restraints? The fact that murders, cruelty and torture exist in the face of these questions shows that evil is here with us in our world all the time. This is the reality, and there are people who choose to do evil.

To live as Jesus would is the answer. Our Lord was entirely for life. “Through Him all things were made” (Nicene Creed). If our society does not completely embrace life, we will remain in trouble. The allowance for abortion tells us that it is OK to put to death certain human beings as long as it is for a “good” purpose. Carry that reasoning further, then, it is OK to kill anyone depending upon the “good” of the end. The ending and preservation of life becomes arbitrary. How crazy is that? The truth of the matter is that God is the only one Who gives life, and no one has the right to interfere with it from conception until natural death. We are always reminded of the culture of life which the Servant of God, Pope John Paul II, tried to promote.

Not only is abortion against the culture of life, but so is media violence. The wanton trashing of human life in books, shows, movies, and video games cannot but foster an unhealthy environment. Can the producers of these dramas exonerate themselves by calling them “entertainment”? I think not. We all have to take responsibility for what we do and how it affects others. There are certain things that are just not appropriate—that are just plain evil.

The government is supposed to protect its people and not steal from them and allow their senses to be assaulted. The inclusion of the Ten Commandments is not a violation of the separation of Church and State. Dependence on these Commandments is just common sense. We are certainly in need of a judiciary who will protect the common good.

We do not need judges who will foster violence by allowing abortions under the guise of the right of privacy and by allowing unfettered displays of violence under the guise of free speech and freedom of the arts.

God does not force us to keep his Commandments; we have free will. But, the more we interfere with his Laws, the more we will be the victims of the violence condemned by them.

Along with violence goes pornography—sins against purity. The next several Pastors Desks will deal with this problem.

Fr. Stanley