Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Part II)....

Last week we considered just what the holy Mass is. Today, we will reflect on its benefits.

The living gain a higher degree of perfection and gain the merits of Jesus Christ. But, as mentioned last week, the merits and graces of the Mass cannot be fully effective because of our own limitations and imperfections. But, the more receptive and prayerful a person is in Mass, the greater are his or her gains, such as strength and peace. We also obtain remission of the punishments due to sin.

Of all of our prayers and good works, the Mass is the most helpful to the faithful departed. Our own prayers, sacrifices and works of charity are limited by our own dispositions. But the holy Sacrifice of the Mass is independent of the merits, or lack of merits, of the person offering it. It is supremely efficacious by the merits of the Priest/Victim, Jesus Christ. The Church has no other remedy so effective for the holy souls in purgatory. The Mass is the only means by which the Church applies to the deceased the merits of the Passion of Jesus Christ.

Our Lord is present in each holy Mass with his Divine Mercy. He bestows upon us all that is helpful to our souls and even sometime to our bodies. We can only imagine what divine justice would fall upon our world if our heavenly Father were not so pleased with the offering of Masses. If we think of it, Masses are said 24/7. No matter the time of day, Masses are being prayed at some place on our planet.

The very Angels and Saints with Our Blessed Mother are present during each Mass, in adoration. When offered in their honor, it serves to increase their heavenly joy. We are united with them, as part of the Communion of Saints, in a special way when we participate in the celebration of the holy Mass.

As we ponder these things, may we, like the Angels and Saints, pray and adore Our Lord with joy. May we know His abiding Love for each of us in each Mass; may we respond with our love for Him.

Fr. Stanley