Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Revised Translation of the Mass (Part III)...

This is a continuation of the explanation of the U. S. Catholic Bishops regarding the changes of certain texts of the Mass.

What is the significance of the changes to the Nicene Creed?

Some of the most significant changes to the people's parts in the Order of Mass are found in the Profession of Faith (the Nicene Creed). Changes to this text fall into two categories: preservation of the syntax of the original text and preservation of expressions of faith which contain Catholic doctrine. The first change is the translation of Credo as of "I" instead of "We" in the opening phrase in order to maintain the person and number indicated in the Latin text. While the profession of faith is a communal liturgical act, each individual in the liturgical assembly professes his or her own faith which is joined to the profession of the whole assembly. The second change concerns the translation of particular expressions of faith such as Unigenitus, consubstantialis, and incarnatus. The theological terminology has been preserved, in accord with Liturgiam Authenticam, in the translation to English: "Only Begotten," "consubstantial," and "incarnate."

"And with your spirit"?

One of the more noticeable changes in the people's parts of the Mass is the response to the greeting, "The Lord be with you." The Latin response, et cum spiritu tuo, is rendered literally in English, "and with your spirit." Liturgiam Authenticam calls for the faithful rendering of expressions that belong to the heritage of the ancient Church, and cites et cum spiritu tuo as an example. Most modern languages have translated this phrase literally, so the English text now more closely parallels other vernacular translations.

Continued next week.

Fr. Stanley