Our modern world is becoming sadly similar to that time of the birth of
Christ. The ethics of the state dictate what is right and what is wrong. More
and more freedoms are taken away through a plethora of new laws. Rights of
conscience are violated. Marriage, as we know it and as God has instituted, is
redefined. Individual rights to ownership are whittled away through unjust
taxes, through eminent domain and through exorbitant lawsuits. Because of
political favors, we are at the mercy of special interest groups. Worst of all,
the human person has become a commodity to be exploited. Only for the simple
reason that a person is not born, he or she can be put to death through
dismemberment. All this is the "ethics" of man.
God always triumphs. Even if our world becomes more corrupt and more vile, the holy will of God will be accomplished. The question is where will each of us stand: with Him or with an ethical system doomed to implode on itself?
God always triumphs. Even if our world becomes more corrupt and more vile, the holy will of God will be accomplished. The question is where will each of us stand: with Him or with an ethical system doomed to implode on itself?
God helps us and asks us to be a part of His work to sanctify the world. We
can be like the faithful Jews of the Old Testament, praying, keeping the
Commandments, living upright lives according to His will. The best of those
models are our Lady and St. Joseph. Just think about it: Mary's "yes" (her
fiat) radically changed the world. God and man were united in the two
natures of Jesus Christ. St. Joseph's perfect obedience prevented interference
in God's plan of salvation. Let's rely on them. They are our champions; they are
our intercessors.
Our witness will be a leaven for society. We should pray that each of us
shows that Christ is the center of our lives. We judge by His Standards and not
by the world's.
Father Stanley
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