Friday, September 24, 2010

Saint Michael

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle

Saint Michael is an archangel, that is, an angel who is given an especially important task. Angels are pure spirits who are ambassadors for God to men. An archangel has a critical mission, one which is crucial for the good of mankind. Michael, like the other archangels and angels, was free to say yes to God's will or to refuse it as the fallen angels did. We know that he happily conformed his will to God's, and that is fortunate for us.

The name Michael comes from the Hebrew and means who is like God. In the Bible we learn that war broke out in heaven. Saint Michael fought against Satan and the other wicked angels who were eventually cast down to the earth (Rev. 12:7-9). Nevertheless, in spite of their defeat, the fallen angels continued to fight against the Church throughout the centuries. They will continue to do so until their definitive and final defeat at the end of time.

In the Book of Daniel, we see Michael defending the people of God (Dn. 10:13; 12:1). He is still our defender against the attacks of the devil. Many do not want to admit the evil work of the devil. But, there are times when this work is expressed with great force. No devil can make a person do something unwillingly. Yet, Satan and each devil can tempt us and try to cause confusion and to wreak havoc. They have nothing but hatred for God and for us.

We need not fear. God is all powerful. Michael loves God perfectly, and he loves us. He is our ally. We should always remain close to God and call upon Saint Michael for our protection and for the protection of the Church. We know that Satan is no match for Saint Michael.

The Saints and Angels not only intercede for us, but they also give us example of how to live. Saint Michael gives us the great example of serving God courageously. The wicked angels decided not to serve God, but to revolt. Saint Michael could have chosen to rebel with the other fallen angels. But he chose the right way. Let us follow his example and resist the temptation to disobey our Father. May we try our best to serve God just as Saint Michael does.

This Wednesday will be the feast day of Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael. We are happy to give special honor to Saint Michael because he is the patron of our parish. I have prayed to him every day, and continue to do so, for this parish that bears his name. I know that he has been beseeching God for us because we see the results of it. We have come a long way over the last seven years. So, we will have a special Mass on the 29th at 7:00 PM in thanksgiving for all that God has given us in Saint Michael's.

Also, let us pray to St. Michael to defend the Church and us by saying the prayer that most of us learned:

Saint Michael defend us in battle and be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God restrain him, we humbly pray. And do you, O prince of the heavenly host, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Father Stanley

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Contraception and Life

Last week I wrote about the staggering amount of money used for artificial contraception. For nearly fifty years a contraceptive mentality has been entrenched in the world. The Church has steadfastly taught that artificial means to prevent or terminate conception are intrinsically immoral.

Why is that?

God created human sexuality -- "Male and female He created them..." Intimate sexual relations are special and meant for husband and wife in a life long union. Each marital union essentially has a twofold purpose: the expression of marital love and the openness to life or procreation. Love means the deep abiding desire for the good of the spouse. This love is not limited by selfishness. It is a love that is fertile; it bears fruit. This means that love is expressed not only in deeds and words but also in the joyful acceptance of the gift of the conception of new life.

This is not an ideal that would be nice, but rather the way God intends it to be. Objections to the Church's position on artificial contraception have been arguments centering the difficulty of having and rearing a large number of children or even one child. Yet, the occurrence of many births is rare for couples who do not use birth control. Moreover, the Church has alwayssanctioned natural family planning. With NFP the wife and husband can scientifically and accurately postpone birth for as long as it is necessary. But, there is a caution. The same contraceptive attitude can creep into the use of NFP, that is, not wanting children for selfish reasons (luxuries, easier life style, etc.).

Natural Family Planning is not what many older people remember as the rhythm method which was inaccurate. NFP is precise in determining when the wife is able to conceive. As opposed to the artificial means, it strengthens the marriage bond because the use of NFP as a team (husband and wife) effort and not a responsibility left only to the woman.

Pope Paul VI rightly predicted back in 1968 in his encyclical Humanae Vitae that the use of artificial means of contraception would lead to a rise in immorality including pre-marital sex, abortion, the devaluing of women. In short, it has ushered in a world where anything goes as far as sexual activity is concerned, even the attempts to redefine marriage.

Hopefully, true love will prevail. We need a world that is less selfish, a world open to life.

For more information about NFP, see or look for it on EWTN.

Father Stanley

Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Positive Attitude - An Attitude Towards Life

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that between 2002 and 2008, Planned Parenthood spent $657.1 million from government grants and programs. Planned Parenthood's own books during that same period show that it took in $2.02 billion (that's right: billion with an "b"). They now have a surplus of $1.3 billion. All this money is used to promote contraception and abortion. These are fundamentally anti-life programs.

How good it is to have an attitude that is for life. God is for life. He creates. It is sin that brought death into the world after that original sin of our first parents. A pro-life attitude not only respects human life but also cherishes it. It is a selfless demeanor which seeks the good of others even if it means personal sacrifice. We have an experience of this through our donations for
the needy. Even though we are not directly involved, some of our taxes goes to programs that help the poor with food, shelter and medicine. We are in the right direction here, a direction that ultimately comes from God. He is the God of life, not of death and darkness.

A lack of concern for others betrays self-centeredness. We can become very much occupied with getting more and more of what we want and of protecting what we have. As long as someone else does not get in the way, we are fine. We become tested once we realize that we will have to
make personal sacrifices, especially if these sacrifices will be on-going.

A contraceptive disposition is not a positive one. Intrinsically, it is against the conception of life. Human sexual intimacy becomes a matter of mutual self satisfaction. Dignity is lost. In his encyclical on human life, Pope Paul VI wrote:
Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards.... Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection. (Humanae Vitae, 1968, 17)
In the 1960's, promoters of artificial birth control said that its use would make abortion unnecessary. Forty years later the number of abortions keep on increasing alarmingly. Marriage is in peril. Sexual license and immorality continue to be on the rise.

Staggering amounts of money are given to Planned Parenthood. Billions are spent for contraceptives and abortions. Would it not be better if our resources were used to promote decency and good moral living? It would be a happier world if more and more people respected themselves, their own bodies and others. It would be a place where we would see the love of God more often.

Father Stanley

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Unity with the Pope

Last June, in his address to new archbishops, Pope Benedict said the greatest harm to the Church comes not from persecution from outside the Church but rather from that which "pollutes the Christian faith and the life of its members and its communities, eroding the integrity of the Mystical Body, weakening its ability to prophecy and witness..." Even at the beginning of the Church's history, St. Paul specified some of the dangers within the Church such as negative attitudes that belong to the world, selfishness, vanity, pride, love of money, etc. (cf. 3.1 to 5 )

The Body of Christ continues our Lord's redemptive mission today and throughout history. There have been many persecutions against the Church over the last twenty centuries; some were quite harsh and cruel. Yet, they strengthened the Church. The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. The sins of the members of the Body of Christ impede its mission. Those who teach false doctrine as well as those who live immorally damage and make the Church less effective. This gives all the more reason to avoid everything that is contrary to the Faith no matter how attractively it is presented or how charismatic the speaker might be. We want the truth and have a right to it. The authentic truth of Christ is guaranteed by the Pope. No Pope throughout history has ever formally taught anything contrary to faith and morals.

When bishops, priests, religious, theologians and the faithful are in union with the Holy Father, we are kept free from errors in the area of faith and morals. We can rest in the assurance that we have the true Gospel handed on to us.

The papacy is a great gift to us -- to the world. Let us never forget to pray for the Pope each day.

Father Stanley